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Black Grouse
Navy map drop with waterline

Black Grouse

Tetrao tetrix

Labelled as:

Black grouse

tetrao tetrix

Scarlet Tanager
Navy map drop with waterline

Scarlet Tanager

Piranga olivacea

Labelled as:

scarlet tanager

pyranga rubra


Greater Prairie-Chicken
Navy map drop with waterline

Greater Prairie-Chicken

Tympanuchus cupido

Labelled as:

prarie hen

Snow Bunting
Navy map drop with waterline

Snow Bunting

Plectrophenax nivalis

Labelled as:

snow bunting

plectrophanes nivalis


Red-winged Blackbird
Navy map drop with waterline

Red-winged Blackbird

Agelaius phoeniceus

Labelled as:

red-winged blackbird

agelaius phoenicens

Bonaparte's Gull
Navy map drop with waterline

Bonaparte's Gull

Chroicocephalus philadelphia

Labelled as:

bonaparte gull

croicoceplaus philadelphia

Hooded Merganser
Navy map drop with waterline

Hooded Merganser

Lophodytes cucullatus

Labelled as:

Hooded Merganser

Lophodytes cucullatus


Sandpiper sp.
Navy map drop with waterline

Sandpiper sp.

Tringa sp.

Labelled as:

solitary sandpiper

rhyacophilus solitarius

Pectoral Sandpiper
Navy map drop with waterline

Pectoral Sandpiper

Calidris melanotos

Labelled as:

pectoral sandpiper

tringa pectoralis

American Golden-Plover
Navy map drop with waterline

American Golden-Plover

Pluvialis dominica

Labelled as:

Wild Turkey
Navy map drop with waterline

Wild Turkey

Meleagris gallopavo

Labelled as:

wild turkey

meleagris gallopavo

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