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Blackpoll Warbler
Navy map drop with waterline

Blackpoll Warbler

Setophaga striata

Labelled as:

black poll warbler

dendroica striata


Northern Waterthrush
Navy map drop with waterline

Northern Waterthrush

Parkesia noveboracensis

Labelled as:

water thrush

seiurus noveboracensis

Spotted Sandpiper
Navy map drop with waterline

Spotted Sandpiper

Actitis macularius

Labelled as:

spotted sandpiper

tringoides macularius

American Kestrel
Navy map drop with waterline

American Kestrel

Falco sparverius

Labelled as:

sparrow hawk

tinnuculus sparverius

Navy map drop with waterline


Calidris alba

Labelled as:

sanderling plover

charadrius calidris

Navy map drop with waterline


Tringa semipalmata

Labelled as:

semi-palmated snipe


Trumpeter Swan
Navy map drop with waterline

Trumpeter Swan

Cygnus buccinator

Labelled as:

trumpeter swan

cygnus buccinator

Common Tern
Navy map drop with waterline

Common Tern

Sterna hirundo

Labelled as:

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