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Red Crossbill
Navy map drop with waterline

Red Crossbill

Loxia curvirostra

Labelled as:

red crossbill

curvirostra americana

Gull sp.
Navy map drop with waterline

Gull sp.

Laridae sp.

Labelled as:


Canada Warbler
Navy map drop with waterline

Canada Warbler

Cardellina canadensis

Labelled as:

Canada Flycatcher

myiodioctes canadensis


Canada Warbler
Navy map drop with waterline

Canada Warbler

Cardellina canadensis

Labelled as:

Canada Flycatcher

myiodioctes canadensis


Scarlet Tanager
Navy map drop with waterline

Scarlet Tanager

Piranga olivacea

Labelled as:


Common Goldeneye
Navy map drop with waterline

Common Goldeneye

Bucephala clangula

Labelled as:

golden eye

bucephala americana

Navy map drop with waterline


Falco columbarius

Labelled as:

pigeon hawk

falco columbarius

Eastern Bluebird
Navy map drop with waterline

Eastern Bluebird

Sialia sialis

Labelled as:

blue bird

sialia sialis


Northern Shoveler
Navy map drop with waterline

Northern Shoveler

Spatula clypeata

Labelled as:


spatula clypeata


Gray-cheeked/Bicknell's Thrush
Navy map drop with waterline

Gray-cheeked/Bicknell's Thrush

Catharus sp.

Labelled as:

Chestnut-sided Warbler
Navy map drop with waterline

Chestnut-sided Warbler

Setophaga pensylvanica

Labelled as:

chestnut sided warbler

dendroica pennsylvanica

Baltimore Oriole
Navy map drop with waterline

Baltimore Oriole

Icterus galbula

Labelled as:

baltimore oriole

icterus baltimore

American Robin
Navy map drop with waterline

American Robin

Turdus migratorius

Labelled as:


turdus migratorius

Black-bellied Plover
Navy map drop with waterline

Black-bellied Plover

Pluvialis squatarola

Labelled as:

black-bellied plover

squatarola helvetica

Craveri's Murrelet
Navy map drop with waterline

Craveri's Murrelet

Synthliboramphus craveri

Labelled as:

least auk

phaleris pusilla

Barn Swallow
Navy map drop with waterline

Barn Swallow

Hirundo rustica

Labelled as:

barn swallow

hirundo horreovum

Eastern Whip-poor-will
Navy map drop with waterline

Eastern Whip-poor-will

Antrostomus vociferus

Labelled as:


antrostomus vociferus

Ring-necked Pheasant
Navy map drop with waterline

Ring-necked Pheasant

Phasianus colchicus

Labelled as:

golden pheasant

htaumalea picta

Snow Bunting
Navy map drop with waterline

Snow Bunting

Plectrophenax nivalis

Labelled as:

snow bunting

plectrophanes nivalis

Eastern Whip-poor-will
Navy map drop with waterline

Eastern Whip-poor-will

Antrostomus vociferus

Labelled as:


antrostomus vociferus


Common Goldeneye
Navy map drop with waterline

Common Goldeneye

Bucephala clangula

Labelled as:

golden eye

bucephala americana


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