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Least Flycatcher
Navy map drop with waterline

Least Flycatcher

Empidonax minimus

Labelled as:

least flycatcher

empidonax minimus


American Oystercatcher
Navy map drop with waterline

American Oystercatcher

Haematopus palliatus

Labelled as:

oyster catcher

haematropus palliatus

Navy map drop with waterline


Aythya americana

Labelled as:


athya americana


Pileated Woodpecker
Navy map drop with waterline

Pileated Woodpecker

Dryocopus pileatus

Labelled as:

black woodcock

aylatomus pileatus


Eastern Kingbird
Navy map drop with waterline

Eastern Kingbird

Tyrannus tyrannus

Labelled as:

king bird

tyrannus carolinensis


Sharp-tailed Grouse
Navy map drop with waterline

Sharp-tailed Grouse

Tympanuchus phasianellus

Labelled as:

sharp-tailed grouse

pediocaetes phasianellus

Marbled Godwit
Navy map drop with waterline

Marbled Godwit

Limosa fedoa

Labelled as:

marbled godwit

limosa fedoa

Ring-necked Pheasant
Navy map drop with waterline

Ring-necked Pheasant

Phasianus colchicus

Labelled as:

horned pheasant


Northern Bobwhite
Navy map drop with waterline

Northern Bobwhite

Colinus virginianus

Labelled as:

quail, bob-white

ortyx virginianus

Black-and-white Warbler
Navy map drop with waterline

Black-and-white Warbler

Mniotilta varia

Labelled as:

black and white creeper

mniotilta varia

Wood Duck
Navy map drop with waterline

Wood Duck

Aix sponsa

Labelled as:

summer duck

aix sponsa

Northern Bobwhite
Navy map drop with waterline

Northern Bobwhite

Colinus virginianus

Labelled as:

quail, bob-white

ortyx virginianus


Bank Swallow
Navy map drop with waterline

Bank Swallow

Riparia riparia

Labelled as:

bank swallow

cotyle riparia

Least Flycatcher
Navy map drop with waterline

Least Flycatcher

Empidonax minimus

Labelled as:

least flycatcher

empidonax minimus

Northern Flicker
Navy map drop with waterline

Northern Flicker

Colaptes auratus

Labelled as:


colaptes auratus

Green-winged Teal
Navy map drop with waterline

Green-winged Teal

Anas crecca

Labelled as:

green winged teal

nettion carolinensis

Ring-necked Pheasant
Navy map drop with waterline

Ring-necked Pheasant

Phasianus colchicus

Labelled as:

horned pheasant


Indigo Bunting
Navy map drop with waterline

Indigo Bunting

Passerina cyanea

Labelled as:

indigo bird

cyanospiza cyanea


Indigo Bunting
Navy map drop with waterline

Indigo Bunting

Passerina cyanea

Labelled as:

indigo bird

cyanospiza cyanea


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