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Eskimo Curlew
Navy map drop with waterline

Eskimo Curlew

Numenius borealis

Labelled as:

esquimeaux curlew

numenius borealis

Swallow-tailed Kite
Navy map drop with waterline

Swallow-tailed Kite

Elanoides forficatus

Labelled as:

swallow tailed hawk

nanclerus furcatus

Upland Sandpiper
Navy map drop with waterline

Upland Sandpiper

Bartramia longicauda

Labelled as:

field plover

Boreal Owl
Navy map drop with waterline

Boreal Owl

Aegolius funereus

Labelled as:

sparrow owl

nyctale richardsonii

South American Snipe
Navy map drop with waterline

South American Snipe

Gallinago paraguaiae

Labelled as:

s. amer. Coupial

Passenger Pigeon
Navy map drop with waterline

Passenger Pigeon

Ectopistes migratorius

Labelled as:

wild pigeon

ectopistes migratoria


Northern Parula
Navy map drop with waterline

Northern Parula

Setophaga americana

Labelled as:

blue yellow back

Blue-winged Teal
Navy map drop with waterline

Blue-winged Teal

Spatula discors

Labelled as:

blue wingec teal

querquedula discors

Tufted Titmouse
Navy map drop with waterline

Tufted Titmouse

Baeolophus bicolor

Labelled as:

tufted titmouse

Blue Jay
Navy map drop with waterline

Blue Jay

Cyanocitta cristata

Labelled as:

blue jay

cyanurus cristatus

American Wigeon
Navy map drop with waterline

American Wigeon

Mareca americana

Labelled as:

american widgeon

mareca americana


Magnolia Warbler
Navy map drop with waterline

Magnolia Warbler

Setophaga magnolia

Labelled as:

black and yellow warbler

dendroica maculosa


Yellow-billed Cuckoo
Navy map drop with waterline

Yellow-billed Cuckoo

Coccyzus americanus

Labelled as:

yellow billed cuckoo

cocygus americanus

American Crow
Navy map drop with waterline

American Crow

Corvus brachyrhynchos

Labelled as:

common crow

corvus coronal

Nashville Warbler
Navy map drop with waterline

Nashville Warbler

Leiothlypis ruficapilla

Labelled as:

nashville warbler

helminthorphaga ruficapilla

Snow Bunting
Navy map drop with waterline

Snow Bunting

Plectrophenax nivalis

Labelled as:

snow bunting

plectrophanes nivalis


Hairy Woodpecker
Navy map drop with waterline

Hairy Woodpecker

Dryobates villosus

Labelled as:

hairy woodpecker

picus villosus

White-crowned Sparrow
Navy map drop with waterline

White-crowned Sparrow

Zonotrichia leucophrys

Labelled as:

white-crowned sparrow

zonotrichia leucpophrys


Wilson's Warbler
Navy map drop with waterline

Wilson's Warbler

Cardellina pusilla

Labelled as:

green black-cap flycatcher

myiodioctes pusillus


Yellow-breasted Chat
Navy map drop with waterline

Yellow-breasted Chat

Icteria virens

Labelled as:

yellow-brested chat.

icteria viridis

Common Yellowthroat
Navy map drop with waterline

Common Yellowthroat

Geothlypis trichas

Labelled as:

maryland yellow-throat

geothlypis trichas


Yellow-rumped Warbler
Navy map drop with waterline

Yellow-rumped Warbler

Setophaga coronata

Labelled as:

yellow-rump warbler

dendroica coronata


Wood Duck
Navy map drop with waterline

Wood Duck

Aix sponsa

Labelled as:

summer duck

aix sponsa

American Redstart
Navy map drop with waterline

American Redstart

Setophaga ruticilla

Labelled as:

red start

setophaga ruticilla

Bald Eagle
Navy map drop with waterline

Bald Eagle

Bald Eagle

Labelled as:

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